Steering Committee

John and I have received a tremendous amount of support and encouragement from a broad cross section of alumni since the Alumni Council voted in December for us to run for the two open seats on the board in the election that begins March 10. Today we're pleased to announce the initial 100 members of our campaign steering committees representing nearly every class from 1951 to 2008 and an enormous variety of backgrounds all of whom are united with a common interest in supporting the College and President Kim. We are humbled by the number and wide-range of alumni who have stepped forward to support us as trustee candidates and are grateful for their time and efforts.

Looking ahead, the balloting period starts on March 10th. Joe Asch'79 - lauded by the Review as "...everyone's favorite blogger and critic of the administration..." - has announced his intent to run against John as a petition candidate, so can use all the support we can get. If you are in favor of moving past divisive governance issues, focusing on classrooms not courtrooms, and electing two independent-minded trustees who have the professional and board experience to help Dartmouth through a very challenging time John and I – and the 100 fellow alumni listed below -- would appreciate your votes.
