The results have been announced and we are humbled to have been elected to the board of trustees in the largest voter turnout in Dartmouth election history. 32% of alumni cast a ballot over the four week election period. At 17,762 Mort received the highest number of votes for trustee ever. In the head-to-head contest John received 14,176 votes while Joe Asch '79 received 5,823 votes. This turnout and the margin of victory are a clear sign that the vast majority of voters support Dartmouth and are squarely focused on moving beyond divisiveness and infighting in favor of helping Dartmouth tackle the tough challenges it faces. As we have said throughout the campaign, we too support this point of view and are honored to have the opportunity to work in the College's best interests as members of the board come June 13th.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those of you who voted for us as we realize that without your support we would not have the opportunity to serve Dartmouth on the board. With the privilege of being trustees comes the responsibility of representing all alumni and so to those whose support we did not earn we say that we will seek counsel and input from across the spectrum. While the election results clearly indicate alumni sentiment we firmly believe that listening to all input is an integral part of the the board's duties. We look forward to doing so throughout our terms.
In closing we's like to congratulate Joe Asch for a well-run and vigorous campaign. His passion for Dartmouth is evident and we hope and expect that it will continue unabated.
For Dartmouth,
Mort and John